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West Haven

American Mills Web Shop, West Haven

Elastic Web Expands Textile Manufacturing in West Haven

For the better part of a century, West Haven produced one of the more unique and innovative textile products in United States’ history.


Savin Rock Amusement Park, 1930s

Connecticut’s Youngest City – Who Knew?

June 29, 2022 • The State, Orange, West Haven, Who Knew?

The city of West Haven, incorporated in 1961, is Connecticut’s youngest city but one of the state’s oldest settlements.


Pier at Savin Rock, West Haven, 1905

Savin Rock Park: “Connecticut’s Coney Island”

Savin Rock Park was a seaside resort constructed in the late 19th century in the modern-day town of West Haven.


Hardcore Connecticut: Documenting the State’s Punk Rock Scene

Hardcore punk rockers occupied venue spaces, spectators became performers, pools became skate parks, and Xerox machines became the printing press in this underground renaissance.


Over Time: West Haven’s Historical Population

October 19, 2014 • Hide Featured Image, West Haven

Census data, from colonial times on up to the present, is a key resource for those who study the ways in which communities change with the passage of time.


Armstrong Rubber Company ad, June 1953

Armstrong Finds a Niche in the Tire Market

Armstrong tires, one of the most popular brands of automobile and farm equipment tires in the 20th century, has its roots in West Haven, Connecticut.


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